We liked our bike day so much we're renting them again today.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
How Many In A Day?
How many NYC site can you "do" in a day? As it turns out, quite a few. 1) Subway adventures and misadventures. 2) Tour of Chelsea. 3) Statten Island Ferry. 4) Wall Street, Trinity Church. 4) The TKTS experience. 5) Memorial Coctails at the Millenium Hilton at the World Trade Center construction site. 6) Times Square (after seeing a Broadway show with a real movie star in it). 7) Dinner at midnight near Lincoln Center. It is a good start, don't you think?
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tina's First Time
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Whale Watching

Sure, you assume there are whales out there in the big, big sea. You assume that, now and again, they visit the Monterey Bay. Maybe a big blue wants to sniff the cotton candy smell from the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk. Maybe a giant grey is curious about the Cold Water Classis surf competition at Steamer Lane. But you don't SEE them. You don't normally watch flippers and tails and big blow-hole spouts OVER AND OVER from the vantage point of the beach.
I decided to walk a long, long way this afternoon. Suzzie the dog seemed ammenable. Walking on down to Hidden Beach I was delighted to see from the bluff a super low tide, glassy, smooth water, and clear blue skies. We went about four times farther than usual. On the way back, I noticed a few of my fellow walkers had stopped and were staring out to sea. That's when I saw what they saw. Giant blow hole spout. Then a flipper. Then the tail. I glued my eyes to the area and was not disappointed. For the next 20 minutes she showed off again and again as she moseied on down, parallel to shore. Remarkable! The flippers, by the way are LONG and the curve so sleek and gentle. Then SMASH onto the surface of the water, producing a big showy splash.
Not bad for "just another day in the neighborhood."
Monday, September 7, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Outsiders Insider

The question I ask myself is this: Why doesn't anyone in class ever point this out? Possible answer: middle school students prefer the titilation bullying produces. Laughs. Wiggle-in-your-seat excitement.
If this violence stuff, the bullying, bothers me, why do I teach this novel? I teach it because the victim of early bullying grows, learns, becomes empathetic, and eventually overcomes the petty forces of cowardace. Hip hip hooray!
Besides, the novel if full of beautiful language, imagery, and goofy 1960's slang. Gotta love that.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Am I Obsolete? Am I a Failure?
Man, oh man. I am feeling the pressure of being a public school teacher.
My students walk in the door, and I must accept them as they are. Happy and smart, or not happy and not too smart. Motivated and supported by family, or not motivated and not supported by family.
The California testing data from my last year students is in and available for all to see on the internet. What a shock to see that many of their scores actually went down from the year before. Bunches of "my" kids slipped, for example, from BASIC to BELOW BASIC. Or from PROFICIENT to BASIC. My reaction?
If I were working at another sort of job and "my numbers" declined, I would be FIRED!
This worries me. Truly.
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