My newest obsessions:
1) swimming laps in the very early morning before work
2) crossword puzzles
I set the alarm at five o'clock and get in the water before six. The first few times I followed this routine I felt disoriented every time I glanced up from the water to the giant clocks on the clubhouse wall. Where is the little hand? Can the big hand possibly be on the six?
Just because I've decided to exercise before school doesn't get me out of my carpool date. I still pick up my colleague at seven fifteen. What a kook I've become.
About the crossword puzzles. I a simply trying to, very slowly and sporadically, get through at least ONE FRIGGIN PUZZLE all by myself. I have the NY Times book of "Easiest" puzzles. I have "completed" puzzle number 4, thank you very much. I did about one-half of it without cheating. Completion required spying at the answers at the back of the book. But hey! I am on the learning curve.
For the turkey holiday Ed and I will be on the other coast . That would be the east one. Savannah, Hilton Head, and Charleston. That's the plan. It will be a trip down memory lane for Ed. He'll be hangin' with his old college roommate. As for me - it's all new out there. Show me some croc-oh-diles.
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